311 Help Desk

Department of Building and Housing

About Us

The Department of Building and Housing Development’s (DBHD) mission is to assist in the development of viable communities while providing opportunities for its’ citizens to have access to fair, safe, livable and affordable housing opportunities. This mission is accomplished by providing in-house programs and services, supporting non-profit housing and development organizations and through partnering on revitalization and redevelopment projects. 

These goals are accomplished by using federal, state and City funds.  Currently, the Departmental budget is comprised of the Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration (LHRD) Program, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program, and the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program (HUD FEDERAL FUNDS).

 ARPA: HOIP closed on June 30th

Watch this years 2024 CDBG & ESG Funding Application Workshop


Passcode: QBB54U$L

Important Documents & Links

Frequently Asked Questions

Who do I contact about applying for a grant from the Community Block Development Grant?

Please contact  [email protected] for additional info or questions.

Who do I speak with about heating complaints, mold, roof leaks and other violations by my landlord?

For heating complaints, you can contact the Bureau of Codes office; an inspector will be contacted immediately. At which time, the codes inspector will contact the landlord who will be given 24 hours to provide some form of heating. A landlord/tenant complaint form will need to be submitted for all other complaints. Please be advised, we do not take care of any mold issues, but will check for leaks that cause mold.

What are my rights under the Fair Housing Law?

Please contact the PA Fair Housing Council or call at 717-238-9540

Who do I speak with about a neighbor who is not up keeping their property?

You will need to file a property maintenance complaint form.

Who do I speak with about lead based paint in my household?

Community Development & Program Funding

The goal of these programs is to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing, suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities principally for low and moderate income persons. Mayor Williams invites citizens to participate in the development – related to the availability of and access to affordable housing for funding housing and community development entitlement programs, which include:

  • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program – $1,996,366 (estimated)
  • HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program – $481,295 (estimated)
  • Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program – $160,887 (estimated)

CDBG, HOME and ESG funding accomplishes the City’s housing needs as related to the availability of an access to affordable housing, fair housing, infrastructure, economic development and assistance to the homeless. Please contact the Department of Building and Housing with any questions.

Consolidated Plan Citizen Survey

The City of Harrisburg is asking for your input in setting future goals and programs to better serve the community. The Consolidated Plan will serve as the blueprint for the expenditures of federal funds in the City from October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2023.

Harrisburg is required to identify the housing and community  needs for low-moderate income persons and households, as well as persons with special needs such as disabilities, substance abuse, mental illness, HIV/AIDS, elderly, youth, etc. Your participation in this planning process will enable the City to develop an accurate strategy that addresses the priority needs of these groups and individuals. If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact the DBHD office.

CDBG and Lead Eligibility Household Size & Maximum Income

Household Size
Maximum Household Income


10 N. 2nd St. Suite 206

Harrisburg, PA 17101



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