HARRISBURG – Harrisburg City Council will hold its upcoming Legislative Session as a live streamed videoconference.  

WHAT: City Council Legislative Session 

WHEN: Tuesday, January 19th at 6:00 p.m. 

WHERE: virtually via Zoom platform, live stream at youtube.com/whbg20   

The public can attend the session by using the Zoom app:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84694509930, Passcode 20214321.  

To enter the meeting by phone (dial-in method), call 301-715-8592. When prompted, enter the Webinar ID (846 9450 9930 #) and Passcode (20214321 #) 

The live stream will begin with Caucus at 5:45 p.m. City Council session agendas, calendar, and other materials are available at harrisburgpa.gov/city-council. 


How do I join the City Council meeting via Zoom Video Conferencing? 

Please visit: https://zoom.us and either sign-up for a free Zoom account or continue as a guest. Once you have downloaded the app on your smartphone, joined from your web browser, or downloaded the Zoom software on your computer you will be ready for the Council meeting.

If you have previously signed up for Zoom, you can enter the meeting ID to join the meeting.


I don’t have a computer or smartphone; can I still use Zoom? 

If you don’t have a smartphone or computer to access the meeting via Zoom, no problem! You can participate on the phone, by calling the phone number and entering the meeting ID and passcode when prompted.


How can I provide Public Comment on Zoom?

The Council President will request public comment during the Public Comment period on the agenda and during each meeting and you will have three minutes to comment. Once the Council President has announced the public comment period, please do one of the following.


  • Click on the “Raise Hand” feature in the webinar controls. This will notify City staff that you have raised your hand and you would like to speak.
  • City staff will unmute your microphone when it is your turn to provide public comment.
  • A prompt will appear to confirm you would like to be unmuted. Once you accept the prompt, you will have three minutes to provide public comment.
  • Once your public comment has ended, you will be muted again.


  • Dial *9 (star 9), this will notify City staff that you have “raised your hand” for public comment.
  • City staff will unmute your microphone when it is your turn to provide public comment.
  • You will hear “you are unmuted” and then you will have three minutes to provide public comment.
  • Once your public comment has ended, you will be muted again