HARRISBURG – City Council will conduct a virtual public hearing to discuss the following ordinance affecting rights-of-way:

Bill 13-2020 – An ordinance vacating and striking from the Official Map of the City of Harrisburg rights-of-way (grocer’s alleys and a portion of Kent Alley) in the block bounded by the 1820 North 5th Street, North 5th Street, Kelker Street, and Fulton Street pursuant to Chapter 3-109 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Harrisburg.

WHAT: Public Hearing on Bill 13-2020
WHERE: via Zoom, livestream viewable at youtube.com/whbg20
WHEN: Monday, November 23, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.

The public may attend and submit comments at the hearing at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87517036724, Passcode: 1123, or Dial-in at 312-626-6799 [Webinar ID: 875 1703 6724, Passcode: 1123]

The public may also submit comments to [email protected]. Materials are available at www.harrisburgpa.gov/city-council or contact the City Clerk’s office at 717-255-3060.