HARRISBURG – Impact Harrisburg and the City of Harrisburg will be providing updates at a virtual press conference Tuesday on the Neighborhood Business Stabilization Program (NBSP). Grants were awarded to help Harrisburg small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 coronavirus shut-down. The purpose of the program is to provide emergency cash flow help during these difficult times.
WHAT: Press Conference on Neighborhood Business Stabilization Program
WHEN: Tuesday, May 12 at 1:00 P.M.
WHO: Mayor Eric Papenfuse, Sheila Dow-Ford (Executive Director of Impact Harrisburg), and representatives from three City businesses that have been awarded grants
This program is intended for City-licensed neighborhood businesses located in the City of Harrisburg, and is providing emergency cash flow help during these difficult times. The application process opened on Friday, April 24, and all eligible Harrisburg small businesses were encouraged to apply.
The press conference will be held virtually. Media interested in attending are requested to register in advance at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIocuGurDsvG9ez07plzZJR0ye3QlCQ_BxU . More information on the program can be found at www.impactharrisburg.org.