{HARRISBURG} — Harrisburg Bureau of Police parking enforcement officers are noticing a growing number of trucks, tractor trailers, and other large vehicles parking in illegal areas. They are now urging commercial vehicles to park only in designated spots throughout the city, or else risk getting ticketed daily.

Commercial vehicles, which the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation defines as any type of motor vehicle used for transporting goods or passengers for compensation, are allowed to park in any spots designated by city zoning ordinances as Commercial General (CG), Commercial Neighborhood (CN), or Industrial (IND). A map of City of Harrisburg parking zones can be found by clicking this link.

Commercial vehicles may park in these designated zones, as long as all parking ordinances are followed (e.g. street sweeping dates, no parking zones, etc).

Screenshot of City of Harrisburg Parking Zoning Ordinance map. Click the image to view the full map.

Harrisburg Police are currently noticing a large number of trucks, some times up to five per block, parking for extended periods of time, or overnight, in residential areas Uptown, specifically along Division Street, 6th Street, and 4th Street, near Italian Lake and the former William Penn High School. This is primarily a public safety concern, according to the Deputy Police Chief Kenny Young.

“We are starting to see issues when it comes to emergency vehicles like fire trucks being able to access more narrow streets,” Deputy Chief Young said. “We are also noticing kids running between cars, and if a large truck is parked on the street, it proves to be a sight obstruction for not only pedestrians, but other drivers coming down the street.”

Young says Harrisburg Police parking enforcement will begin to increase ticketing on illegally parked commercial vehicles, as much as daily, if not more frequent.


Contact: Matt Maisel, Director of Communications
[email protected] | (717) 255-7295

Lt. Kyle Gautsch, Harrisburg Bureau of Police Public Information Officer
[email protected]

Google Earth-generated view of Uptown Harrisburg
Google Earth-generated view of Uptown Harrisburg