
Mayor Williams says the decision to modify the Consent Decree is "an important step" for city residents to know clean water is in safe hands.

Contact: Matt Maisel, Director of Communications
[email protected]
(717) 255-7295


February 13, 2023

HARRISBURG — Capital Region Water announced Monday that after months of negotiation, Capital Region Water, the city of Harrisburg, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) reached an agreement to file a modification to the Partial Consent Decree for clean water created in 2015.

The court filing, which occurred Monday in Federal District Court in Harrisburg, will help set groundwork for the next decade of stormwater and wastewater management in the City of Harrisburg. A copy of CRW’s press release can be found here:

In response to the court filing, Mayor Wanda R.D. Williams released the following statement:

“The City is thrilled with today’s news that Capital Region Water has reached an agreement with the federal government and commonwealth to modify the Consent Decree. This is a major milestone for not only our partnership with CRW, but the future of a greener environment in Harrisburg. We look forward to what the next decade and beyond holds, with the possibility of endless green infrastructure projects. For now, this is an important step for our residents to know that their water is in the safest hands possible. We, along with Capital Region Water, promise to be responsible stewards of the environment for generations to come.”