Boards and Commissions
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Boards & Commissions
Board & Commission overview
The following boards and commissions have been created by ordinance:
- (1) Audit Committee (Ordinance 6-2007). [Added 4-9-2013 by Ord. No. 3-2013]
- (2) Building and Housing Code Board of Appeals (Building Code Board of Appeals: Ordinance 1-1972; Housing Code Board of Appeals: Ordinance 48-1979; merged by Ordinance 15-1995).
- (3) Business Revolving Loan Committee (Ordinance 11-1987).
- (4) Electrical Code Advisory and Licensing Board (Ordinance 18-1994).
- (5) (Reserved)[1] Editor’s Note: Former Subsection A(6), Fire Civil Service Commission, was superseded 10-28-2014 by Ord. No. 12-2014. See now Subsection A(17) and Ch. 2-513.
- (6) Harrisburg Board of Health (Ordinance 33-1979).
- (7) Harrisburg Property Reinvestment Board (Ordinance 26-1979, as amended Ordinance 3-1983; Ordinance 16-1989).
- (8) Historic Architectural Review Board (Ordinance 13-1974, as amended Ordinance 14-1986).
- (9) Human Relations Commission (Ordinance 6-1983, as amended and reenacted).
- (10) License and Tax Appeal Board (Ordinance 1-1971).
- (11) Planning Commission (Ordinance 3-1970).
- (12) Plumbing Board (Ordinance 2-1972, as amended).
The City has created the following authorities pursuant to the cited statutes:
- (1) Capital Area Regional Solid Waste Authority. Municipality Authorities Act (Ordinance 30-1986).
- (2) Capital Area Transit Authority. Municipality Authorities Act of 1945, Act of May 2, 1945, P.L. 382, as amended, 53 P.S. § 301 et seq.[4] (Ordinance 6-1973). Editor’s Note: See now 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 5601 et seq.
- (3) The Harrisburg Authority.[5] Originally created by Ordinance 66-1957 as the Harrisburg Sewerage Authority under the Municipality Authorities Act of 1945, Act of May 2, 1945, P.L. 382, as amended, 53 P.S. § 301 et seq.[6] (Ordinance 2-1990).[5]Editor’s Note: The name of this authority was changed to “Capital Region Water Authority” 2-25-2014 by Ord. No. 3-2014.[6]Editor’s Note: See now 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 5601 et seq.
- (4) Harrisburg Housing Authority. Housing Authorities Law, Act of May 28, 1937, P.L. 955, as amended, 35 P.S. § 1541 et seq. (Resolution 110-1937).
- (5) Harrisburg Parking Authority. The Parking Authorities Act, Act of June 5, 1947, as amended, 53 P.S. § 344 et seq.[7](Ordinance 13-1972).[7]Editor’s Note: See now 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 5501 et seq.
- (6) Harrisburg Redevelopment Authority. Urban Redevelopment Law, Act of May 24, 1945, P.L. 991, as amended, 35 P.S. § 1701 et seq. (Resolution 57-1949).
Audit Committee
Audit Committee (Ordinance 6-2007). Editor’s Note: Added at time of the adoption of Code (see Ch. 1-303).
The Audit Committee (hereinafter “the Committee”) shall provide independent review and oversight of the City’s financial reporting processes, internal controls, and independent auditors. In effectively carrying out its duties and responsibilities, the Committee will help ensure that the City properly develops and adheres to a sound system of internal controls, and utilizes procedures to objectively assess the City’s accounting and auditing practices.
Additionally, the Committee will help ensure that the independent auditors, through the independent audit, objectively assess the government’s financial reporting practices.
The Committee shall be comprised of five (5) voting members, who are appointed by Council, and the Chairperson of the Budget and Finance Committee of City Council or his or her designee, who shall serve as an ex officio, non-voting member of the Committee.
Terms of the Committee shall be for five years and shall be staggered.
- Brian Ostella (Resolution 56-2019) / April 9, 2024
- William Shambach / September 15, 2022
- Alex Reber (Resolution 62-2019) / February 25, 2024
- Ryan Osborne (Resolution 100-2017) / September 15, 2020
Building and Housing Board Code of Appeals
Building and Housing Code Board of Appeals (Building Code Board of Appeals: Ordinance 1-1972; Housing Code Board of Appeals: Ordinance 48-1979; merged by Ordinance 15-1995).
The Mayor, with the advice and consent of Council, shall appoint a Building and Housing Code Board of Appeals of the City of Harrisburg (hereinafter “Board”) to hear appeals from orders in the form of written notices to comply with the Building Code, Mechanical Code, Housing Code, Electrical Code, Plumbing Code, Property Maintenance Code, Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, Fuel Gas Code, Existing Building Code, Uniform Construction Code, rent withholding ordinances and codified regulations promulgated under the authority of such enactments issued by the Codes Administrator, or his or her designee, and to perform such other duties as the Mayor or Council may assign it.
The initial membership of the Board shall consist of those residents of the City of Harrisburg who currently serves at the pleasure of the Mayor as members of the Housing Code Board of Appeals and whose terms shall expire at the time said terms would have expired had the Building and Housing Code Board of Appeals not been created (Editor’s Note: Amended at time of the adoption of Code (see Ch. 1-303).
Each of the current members shall serve until a successor is appointed. Thereafter, the membership of the Board shall consist of five residents of the City, each of whom shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor for a term of three years; each member shall serve until a successor is appointed.
- Dena Rockoff (Resolution 2-2013) / February 12, 2016
- Howard Parker (Resolution 14-2012) / May 1, 2015
- Glen Dunbar (Resolution 71-2015) / November 10, 2020
- Clem Onukwubiri (Resolution 76-2018) / September 28, 2019
Capital Region Water
Capital Region Water. Originally created by Ordinance 66-1957 as the Harrisburg Sewerage Authority under the Municipality Authorities Act of 1945, Act of May 2, 1945, P.L. 382, as amended, 53 P.S. § 301 et seq. Editor’s Note: See now 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 5601 et seq. (Ordinance 2-1990). (Capital Region Water)
The purpose of the Authority shall be: to engage in acquiring, holding, constructing, financing, improving, maintaining and operating, owning, and leasing projects of the kind and character contemplated by law for a general purpose authority, as authorized and permitted by, and also as limited by, provisions of the Municipality Authorities Act.
- J. Marc Kurowski, P.E.
- Crystal Skotedis, CPA, CFE / January 4, 2022
- Garvey Presley / January 4, 2023
- Andrew Enders / January 4, 2020
Capital Region Solid Waste Authority
Capital Area Regional Solid Waste Authority. Municipality Authorities Act (Ordinance 30-1986).
To acquire, hold, construct, improve, maintain, operate, own and lease, either in the capacity of lessor or lessee, projects of the following kind and character: (1) facilities and equipment for the collection, removal or disposal of ashes, garbage, rubbish and other refuse materials by incineration, landfill or other methods; (2) steam heating plants and distribution systems; (3) incinerator plants; (4) facilities to produce steam which is used by the Authority or is sold on a contract basis for industrial or similar use or on a sale-for-resale basis to one or more entities authorized to sell steam to the public, provided that such facilities have been approved by resolution or ordinance adopted by the governing body of the municipality or municipalities organizing such Authority and that the approval does not obligate the taxing power of the municipality in any way; and (5) facilities for generating surplus electric power which are related to incinerator plants .
The members of the Board of the Authority shall be seven in number and shall be apportioned as follows:
- City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, 3
- Township of Hamden, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, 2
- Township of Susquehanna, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, 2.
Capital Area Transit Authority
Capital Area Transit Authority. Municipality Authorities Act of 1945, Act of May 2, 1945, P.L. 382, as amended, 53 P.S. § 301 et seq. Editor’s Note: See now 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 5601 et seq. (Ordinance 6-1973).
CAT is organized under the Municipality Authorities Act, pursuant to which members shall be appointed by the “governing Bodies” of the incorporating municipalities. The City of Harrisburg shall appoint two members to the Board of the Capital Area Transit Authority (CAT); such appointment shall be made by the Mayor with advice and consent of Council.
- Richard Kotz (Resolution 56-2016) / Until Successor is appointed
- Bruce Weber (Resolution 39-2017) / Until Successor is appointed
Dauphin County Tax Collection Committee
Dauphin County Tax Collection Committee
- Hillary Greene (Resolution 28-2015) Alternate / N/A
- Mike Hughes (Previous Appointee) / N/A
- Susan Brown-Wilson (Previous Appointee) / N/A
Electrical Advisory Board
Electrical Code Advisory and Licensing Board (Ordinance 18-1994).
There shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the consent of Council, upon the recommendation of the Bureau of Codes Enforcement, an examining board to be known as the Electrical Code Advisory and Licensing Board (“Licensing Board”). The Licensing Board shall determine the fitness of applicants for license and shall investigate and report on all proposed suspensions or revocations of licenses.
All appointments by the Mayor shall be confirmed or rejected by Council within 30 days of the date of the appointment, or the appointment shall be deemed approved. The Mayor shall appoint a Board member within 90 days of the occurrence of a vacancy. If the Mayor does not act on a vacancy within such time, the authority to appoint said member shall vest with Council; provided, however, that each member shall serve until a successor is appointed. [Ord. No. 18-1994; amended 6-15-1999 by Ord. No. 15-1999]
- Dudley Smith, Jr. / April 1, 2010
Environmental Advisory Council
Environmental Advisory Council
The EAC was established for the purpose of overseeing, discussing and disseminating information on environmental issues in the City. The EAC shall consist of
(7) seven volunteer members, of which (3) three are appointed by the Mayor and (4) four are appointed by City Council.
- Leland Nelson (Resolution 40-2020) / September 25, 2021
- Rafiyqa Muhammad (Resolution 50-2018) / September 25, 2021
- Vacant
- Vacant
- Vacant
- Vacant
- Vacant
Harrisburg Area Transportation Study
Harrisburg Area Transportation Study
- Wayne Martin (Resolution 81-2018) (Coordinating Committee)
- Geoffrey Knight (Resolution 80-2018) (Technical Committee)
- Charlie White Jr. (Resolution 79-2018) (Coordinating Committee) (Alternate for Technical Committee)
Harrisburg Board of Health
Harrisburg Board of Health (Ordinance 33-1979).
The Board of Health, so appointed, shall have all power and authority and perform the duties now or hereafter conferred and prescribed by law upon Boards of Health of cities. Further, the Board will serve as an advisory panel to the Mayor, Council and the Health Officer.
The Board of Health shall function as a Board of Review of the administrative decisions of the Health Officer and his/her employees. The Board shall be composed of five members who shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of Council. The members of the Board of Health shall be residents of the City, except in the case of physicians, who shall be residents of or have an office in the City.
Harrisburg Civil Service Commission
Harrisburg Civil Service Commission
- Ellis Roy / December 9, 2016
- Dena Rockoff / December 9, 2017
- Kelly Summerford / December 9, 2018
Harrisburg Housing Authority
Harrisburg Housing Authority. Housing Authorities Law, Act of May 28, 1937, P.L. 955, as amended, 35 P.S. § 1541 et seq. (Resolution 110-1937).
- Sheila Bennett (Resolution 46-2022) / June 30, 2027
- Susan Silver Cohen (Resolution 49-2022) / June 30, 2024
- Peter M. Hammerle (Resolution 47-2022) / June 30, 2023
- Theresa Ann Wise (Resolution 48-2022) / June 30, 2025
Harrisburg Land Bank
The Harrisburg Land Bank’s mission is, in partnership with the City and the Harrisburg Redevelopment – to eliminate blighting conditions that inhibit neighborhood reinvestment, to foster and promote sustainable neighborhood revitalization and urban renewal, and to facilitate new business and housing development.
- Jackie Z. Parker, Chair
- Nichol L. Johnson, Vice Chair
- Crystal R. Brown, Secretary
- Stacia A. Zewe, Treasurer
- Daniel C. Leppo
- Vacant
- Vacant
Contact: Bryan Davis, Director
10 N. 2nd Street, Suite 405
Harrisburg, PA 17101
717-255-3000/fax 717-238-5342
Harrisburg Parking Authority
Harrisburg Parking Authority
The Harrisburg Parking Authority was created pursuant to the provisions of the Parking Authority Law of June 5, 1947, P.L. 458 and by the passage of Harrisburg City Ordinance 13-1972 on September 26, 1972. Since incorporation, the Authority has had a separate existence with purposes and powers as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation and in the Act.
It is considered by law to be an instrumentality, not of the municipality which incorporated it, but of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It is, in effect, a separate corporation formed for public purposes. The Board of Directors is the governing body under whose guidance and control the affairs of the Authority are carried out.
The role of the Board is to review and approve policy matters, to oversee management, to appraise its performance and to counsel the Chief Executive. The Board of Directors of the Authority is set at five in number, the majority of whom must be residents of the City. The members of the Board are appointed by the Mayor for five-year terms, each term expiring June 1 in successive years. Members receive no compensation for their services.
Harrisburg Redevelopment Authority
Harrisburg Redevelopment Authority. Urban Redevelopment Law, Act of May 24, 1945, P.L. 991, as amended, 35 P.S. § 1701 et seq. (Resolution 57-1949).
- Stacia A. Zewe, Chair
- Nichole L. Johnson, Vice Chair
- Crystal R. Brown, Secretary/Treasurer
- Daniel C. Leppo, Assist. Secretary/Treasurer
- Alex Reber (Resolution 86-2021) / September 30, 2026
Harrisburg Property Reinvestment Board
Harrisburg Property Reinvestment Board (Ordinance 26-1979, as amended Ordinance 3-1983; Ordinance 16-1989).
This chapter establishes a blighted property review committee, which shall be known and may be referred to as the “Harrisburg Property Reinvestment Board,” hereinafter termed the “Board.” The Board shall consist of five members, as follows:
- One City Council member appointed by the President of City Council;
- The Executive Director of the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Harrisburg or designee;
- One member of the Harrisburg City Planning Commission, as appointed by the Commission’s Chairperson;
- The Director of Building and Housing Development or designee; and
- One member designated by the Mayor.
Historic Architectural Review Board
Historic Architectural Review Board (Ordinance 13-1974, as amended Ordinance 14-1986).
A Board of Historic Architectural Review, identified as the Harrisburg Historic Architectural Review Board (hereinafter “Board” or “HARB”), is hereby established and shall be composed of seven members, appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of Council, one of whom shall be a registered architect, one a licensed real estate broker and one the Codes Administrator of the City or designee.
Four additional persons with a knowledge of and interest in the preservation of the Historic District, and who reside therein, shall be appointed. All members of the Board shall be residents of, or own real estate located in, the City during their membership. The Deputy Director of Planning or his/her representative shall provide staff services to the Board.
The initial terms of the first seven members shall be as follows: two shall be appointed for one year, three for two years, and two for three years. Their successors shall serve for terms of three years. Board members failing to attend three consecutive meetings shall forfeit their membership unless the Chairperson of the Board receives written notification from the member involved that the absence was due to personal illness or the death or illness of an immediate family member.
Should any Board member fail to attend three consecutive meetings without providing the notification set forth above, the Chairperson of the Board, or the City representative (if the absent member is the Chairperson), shall notify the Mayor and City Council of a vacancy on the Board by virtue of said member’s unauthorized absences. Any member of the Board who shall cease to qualify as a member as herein set forth during his/her term of membership shall immediately create a vacancy on the Board. An appointment to fill a vacancy shall be only for the unexpired portion of the term so vacated.
- Trina Gribble, Chair
- Bruce Henry, Vice Chair
- April Rucker
- Camille Bennett
- Kent Hurst
- Vacant
- Vacant
Human Relations Commission
Human Relations Commission (Ordinance 6-1983, as amended and reenacted)
The HHRC investigates complaints and supports individuals harmed in the areas of employment, housing, public accommodations, education, and lending. The HHRC aims to protect those from bias because of their:
• race, color
• religion or lack thereof
• use of a support animal, disability
• sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression
• ancestry, national origin, place of birth
• age, marital status, familial status
• possession of a general education development certificate (GED).
The Commission shall consist of nine members, eight of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor as provided below, and one of whom shall be appointed by City Council by resolution. The Mayor shall appoint or reappoint a Commissioner within 90 days of the occurrence of a vacancy or the expiration of a term of a member.
If the Mayor does not act on a vacancy or expired term within 90 days, Council may appoint a person by resolution to fill such vacancy. Should the Council fail to make its appointment within 90 days of the occurrence of a vacancy or the expiration of the term of its member, the Mayor may nominate a citizen to fill the vacancy.
The Mayor shall, with the advice and consent of Council, appoint the members of a broadly representative cross-section of the racial, ethnic and economic groups of the City. Members shall be residents of the City. Members may be reappointed. Persons appointed and qualified as Commissioners shall serve for a term of three years; provided, however, that in making the first appointments to the Commission three members shall be appointed for a term of one year each, three members shall be appointed for terms of two years each, and three members shall be appointed for terms of three years each.
- Gretchen M. Little (Resolution 18-2019 – three year term) / November 14, 2021
- Amanda Arbour (Resolution 110-2017 – two year term) / November 14, 2019
- Shayron L. Banks (Resolution 12-2019 – three year term) / November 14, 2021
- Kevin E. Burrell (Resolution 19-2019 – three year term) / November 14, 2021
- Vacant
LERTA Appeals Board
LERTA Appeals Board
Pursuant to 5-503.3(F) of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Harrisburg, the City authorized the formation of a three (3) member LERTA Appeals Board. The Board shall be compromised of one appointee for the City, Dauphin County and Harrisburg School District, which appointments
are subject to the consent and approval of the City Council of Harrisburg.
City Representative: Vacant
Formerly: Marc Woolley (Resolution 70-2019)
Loan Review Committee
Loan Review Committee
The Mayor’s Office of Equal Economic Opportunity (MOEEO) is responsible for the development, administration, and implementation of the Community Development Block Grant Revolving Loan Program (RLP). The RLP provides low-interest financing to firms in the City which will, in turn, strengthen existing jobs, create new employment opportunities, stabilize or increase the tax base, and increase private investment. Funding for the RLP can be appropriated only by the action of Council.
The committee of five members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by City Council, consisting of two representatives of the community and three representatives of the business community. The LRC will reflect the demographic makeup of the community at large. The term of office shall be three years. Terms of office shall be staggered.
- David Riley / February 2016
- Joshua Robertson / February 2016
- Brittany Brock / February 2016
Planning Commission
Planning Commission (Ordinance 3-1970).
There is hereby created a Planning Commission pursuant to the provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, Act 247 of July 31, 1968, P.L. 805, as amended, 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq. The Planning Commission hereby created shall have seven members, to be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council, in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Code. Editor’s Note: See Title 2, Administrative Code.
- Joe Alsberry, Chair
- Vern McKissick, Vice Chair
- Shaun O’Toole
- Jamesetta Reed
- Anne Marek
- DeRon Jordan
- Joseph Canamucio
Plumbing Board
Plumbing Board (Ordinance 2-1972, as amended).
There is hereby established a Board of Plumbing which, for administrative purposes, is assigned to the Department of Building and Housing Development.
The Board shall consist of five members, one a professional engineer, one a master plumber, one a journeyman plumber, one a lay member and one an employee of the City serving in the Department of Building and Housing Development. The member of the Board required to be a lay member shall be a resident of the City. Each technical member of the Board shall have at least five years’ experience in his or her respective field.
Board members shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall be confirmed or rejected by Council within 30 days of the date of the appointment, or the appointment shall be deemed approved. The Mayor shall appoint a Board member within 90 days of the occurrence of a vacancy. If the Mayor does not act on a vacancy within such time, the authority to appoint said member shall vest with Council; provided, however, that each member shall serve until a successor is appointed. Each member of the Board shall serve for a term of three years commencing from the date of appointment, except that two persons initially appointed to the Board shall be chosen for the term of three years, two for a term of two years, and one for a term of one year.
- Darryl Restagno / March 31, 2018
Susquehanna Regional Airport Authority
Susquehanna Airport Regional Authority
The Susquehanna Area Regional Airport Authority is the governing authority of Harrisburg International Airport, Capital City Airport, Franklin County Regional Airport and Gettysburg Regional Airport in south-central Pennsylvania.
A full list of board members can be viewed on the Harrisburg International Airport Board Members Page
Tax Appeal Board
Tax Appeal Board (Ordinance 5-101)
There is hereby created the License and Tax Appeal Board, which shall have the powers set forth in this chapter and whose membership shall consist of three residents of the City who shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council. Their terms of office shall be three years and shall be so fixed that the term of office of one member shall expire each year. The Board shall promptly notify the Mayor of any vacancies, which occur. Appointments to fill vacancies shall be only for the unexpired portion of the term. Members of the Board shall hold no other office in the City. At least one member of the Board shall be a Certified Public Accountant.
- Resolution 70-2021 –A Resolution reappointing Ms. Evelyn Hunt to serve on the License and Tax Appeal Board. (term expires: January 1, 2022)
- Resolution 71-2021 – A Resolution reappointing Ms. Staci Basore to serve on the License and Tax Appeal Board. (term expires: January 1, 2024)
- Resolution 72-2021 – A Resolution reappointing Mr. Dan Schulder to serve on the License and Tax Appeal Board. (term expires: January 1, 2023)
Tri County Regional Planning Commission
A full list of commissioners can be viewed on the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission Website.
Youth Commission
Youth Commission (Ordinance 8-1978).
The purpose of the Youth Commission shall be to advise the City government on all matters pertaining to youth in the City and to offer recommendations on issues of concern to our youth.
The Youth Commission shall consist of 11 residents of the City who shall be between the ages of 13 and 18 inclusive. Commission members reaching the age of 19 during the course of their term shall complete the term to its conclusion. Commission members shall be students representing the following schools according to the ratio as indicated below:
School |
Student Representatives |
Harrisburg High & Scitech High Schools |
4 |
Harrisburg Charter & Private Schools |
3 |
Harrisburg Career Academies |
4 |
Zoning Hearing Board
Zoning Hearing Board (Ordinance 13-1977).
There is hereby created a Zoning Hearing Board of the City of Harrisburg, as authorized by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, which shall consist of three members.
- Claude Phipps, Chair (Resolution 84-2021) / December 31, 2023
- Anna Bianco (Resolution 85-2021) / December 31, 2022
- James Hobbs (alternate member) (Resolution 80-2021) / December 31, 2024