Vision Zero



As of Wednesday, March 23, 2022, a bike lane construction project is scheduled to start along State Street in the city’s Allison Hill neighborhood in approximately three weeks.

This construction will have daily lane closures which may impact State Street, as well as the side street located next to the State Street Bridge which connects State Street to Cameron Street.

At no time will all lanes be closed which would prevent EMS or police services from accessing the area.

The project will last approximately three months until June to allow for the following:

  • ADA ramp construction
  • Line paint
  • Bumper block installations to create bike lanes

Parking along State Street WILL be impacted by construction. Signage will be installed to help with notifications. If you have concerns, please call the City of Harrisburg’s 3-1-1 Help Desk.

What is Vision Zero?

Vision Zero is Harrisburg’s strategy to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries in the city within 10 years. Vision Zero strategies are in use around the country and around the world. In Harrisburg, Vision Zero is a city-wide program that focuses on safety for all road users: those who walk, ride bicycles, ride the bus, and drive in cars.

Vision Zero kicks off with the first in a series of “rapid response” projects, this one on State Street, that will address hot spots in the Harrisburg street network. The Vision Zero planning process will produce a city-wide Vision Zero policy that includes an action plan and schedule for implementation.


The City of Harrisburg’s Vision Zero program encompasses a number of important transportation and public space improvement projects. This page will be updated as projects take shape and as new projects are added.

Capitol Gateway Project

Improvements to Forster Street between Front Street and North 2nd Street. The City of Harrisburg invites the public to watch a virtual presentation for public information and comment on the Capitol Gateway Project. 

Concept Download and Overview

Comments and feedback are welcome. Please provide your feedback that will be reviewed by Wallace Montgomery:

East-West Multimodal Connection Project

Improvements to Walnut Street between Front Street and 4th Street and Chestnut Street between 3rd Street and 4th Street. The City of Harrisburg invites the public to watch a virtual presentation for public information and comment on the E-W Multimodal Connection project.


Walnut Street Concept

This concept involves improvements on Walnut Street from Front Street to 4th Street including:

  • An eastbound contra-flow bike lane
  • Sharrow lane-markings for westbound bicyclists
  • A raised intersection at Walnut Street and 2nd Street, including a new traffic signal
  • A raised crosswalk at Court Street
  • A new bus stop location at 3rd Street
  • Several sidewalk, driveway entrance, and curb ramp improvements

Chestnut Street Concept

This concept involves improvements on Chestnut Street from 3rd Street to 4th Street including:

  • Eastbound and Westbound bike lanes
  • A raised crosswalk at South Dewberry Street
  • A bus loading and unloading area
  • Several sidewalk and curb ramp improvements
  • Re-striping the Dewberry Street Loop to increase parking


November/December 2020: Public Engagement
November 17, 2020: Pop-Up Event
January 2020-February 2020: Preliminary Engineering

State Street Rapid Response

Improvements are proposed along the State Street Corridor to improve pedestrian safety, including:

    • School zones
    • Traffic signal upgrades
    • High-visibility crosswalks and flashing beacons
    • Upgraded ADA-accessible curb ramps

Preliminary engineering and review are ongoing, with construction anticipated for 2023.

2nd Street Two-Way Conversion

Work to convert N 2nd Street between Division Street and Forster Street to two-way operations began in 2018 and concluded in late 2022. 2nd street is now open to two-way traffic and contains many traffic calming features to improve pedestrian safety, including raised crosswalks, mini roundabouts, and central islands.

3rd Street & Chestnut Street Bike Lanes

As part of the 3rd Street Multimodal project, contractors will be installing new bike lanes on 3rd Street and Chestnut Streets this fall. On 3rd Street a Northbound contra-flow bike lane will be installed between Chestnut Street and Walnut Street. Sharrows will be installed in the southbound direction. On Chestnut Street a eastbound and westbound bike lanes will be installed between Front Street and 4th Street.

Division Street Bridge Study

A project is currently underway to study the proposed Division Street Bridge that will link Uptown Harrisburg with HACC and the Pennsylvania Farm Show.

Mulder Square Intersection Improvements

This project will construct a mini-roundabout at the intersection Mulberry Street and Derry Street to serve as a gateway to the Allison Hill Community. This intersection is within Harrisburg’s Vision Zero High Injury Network. In addition to the traffic calming effects of the roundabout, other improvements that meet the Vision Zero initiative include complain curb ramps, a raised crosswalk, sidewalk bulb-outs that shorten pedestrian crossing lengths, and improved intersection lighting. Construction is currently scheduled for 2020.

    Front Street-Forster Street Improvement Concept

    This project will revise the configuration of the intersection of Front Street and Forster Street by removing the unnecessary slip lane from the bridge to Front Street. This intersection falls within Harrisburg’s Vision Zero High Injury Network. Removing this slip lane will shorten pedestrian crossings on the west side of the intersection. The project will also add complaint curb ramps with detectable warning surfaces and pedestrian push buttons to all curb ramps. Other potential improvements include additional sidewalk bulb-outs in the north east and south east side of the intersection and pedestrian median refuges on Forster Street.

    7th Street Reconstruction

    This project reconstructed 7th Street from Herr Street to Reily Street. Elements included a large landscaped median on 7th  Street, an urban multi-lane roundabout at the intersection with Reily Street, a two-way cycle track on the southbound side of 7th Street, a protected intersection at Herr Street, two mid-block pedestrian crossings with raised crosswalks near the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency building, and upgraded transit facilities, such as a floating bus stop. Construction was completed in 2022.

    Market Street & Dewberry Street Raised Intersection

    Raised intersections, similar to speed tables, slow traffic at key points in the roadway. This helps pedestrians cross an intersection more safely. The newest raised intersection in the City of Harrisburg will be at the intersection of Market and Dewberry Streets near Strawberry Square.


    The interactive maps linked below, termed a High Injury Network, represent a collection of crash datasets from within Harrisburg’s city limits. The red lines represent the most crash-prone streets in the city – those that form the network of highest injuries.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    When does Vision Zero start and end?

    Vision Zero Harrisburg kicked off in May 2018. The Vision Zero plan is expected to be completed in 6-8 months, and will be implemented in phases beginning in 2018 and continuing through 2028.

    What is included in Vision Zero?

    Following intensive public input starting at the neighborhood level, the Vision Zero Harrisburg planning team will produce an action plan with policy, program, and road design recommendations to improve safety for all users of Harrisburg streets. Together with the public, city officials will examine existing roadway conditions, note road user behavior patterns, and review city accident data.

    This data, along with direct surveys from Harrisburg residents and other road users, will be used in a community workshop where the public can help to create change in road design and road user behavior. The planning process will consider such things as changes in: policy, road design, and local ordinances, as well as educational programs and targeted enforcement. Some changes may be implemented quickly. All parts of the process will begin with opportunities for community input that will continue throughout.

    Why is Harrisburg creating a Vision Zero plan?

    Vision Zero is used by cities around the world to reduce and eliminate serious injuries and deaths on local roadways. In Harrisburg, Vision Zero is responding to an increasing number of serious accidents, including fatalities, on Harrisburg roadways.

    Where is the study focused?

    The first phase of the study takes place this summer with a “rapid response” project on State Street. The overall Vision Zero plan will include all of Harrisburg, as well as additional “rapid response” projects on other streets.

    How can I send a request to the City webmaster to add or revise something on the website?

    Please submit a support ticket here.