Department of Public Works
About Us
The Harrisburg Department of Public Works is comprised of several offices including Sanitation (solid waste & recycling), Highway (street maintenance, sweeping, plowing), Demolition (removing blighted properties) and Vehicle Management (maintaining city’s fleet).
The Department of Public Works maintains public infrastructure, manages the municipal solid waste collection, and ensures a healthy, safe, and natural environment through the elimination of blight and illegal dumping. We are committed to providing efficient and effective high-quality customer service to the citizens and visitors of Harrisburg.
The Department of Public Works maintains streets, and greenway trails throughout Harrisburg. DPW bolsters neighborhood pride, protects our investment in infrastructure and promotes the safe, efficient movement of people, vehicles, and goods. The Department of Public Works monitors and protects the environment in the City of Harrisburg with help from our residents and visitors. DPW responds to questions and concerns on a number of topics including, but not limited to, air and water pollution, open burning, illegal discharges, and water quality.
Maps & Forms
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I pay my trash bill? (Harrisburg & Steelton Residents)
1. Online
Payments can be made through the website:
Payments can be made with VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and PayPal.
2. Telephone
Residents can call (888) 877-0450 to make credit card payments by phone Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
Other than the convenience fee, there is no additional charge for making a payment over the phone.
3. City of Harrisburg’s Public Works Building, 1820 Paxton Street
Electronic kiosk is available to make payments with VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and PayPal.
The kiosk will be available 8 a.m.- 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.
The kiosk has ample free parking.
Residents will not be able to pay trash bills with cash or checks at the Public Works Building.
One of the following convenience fees will be added to your payment:
· Credit card convenience fee is 2.35% ($1.00 minimum)
· Debit card convenience fee is 1.50% ($1.00 minimum)
Payments made by 11:59 p.m. will be credited the next business day.
4. MLK Building – Until further notice the MLK Center (10 N. 2nd Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101) will only be able to accept payments in cash, check or money order. Payments can be mailed, brought to our office or placed in the City Drop Box. The Drop Box is located outside of the MLK Government Center to the right of the rear entrance.
How do I report a pothole or sinkhole?
You can use the Pothole Report Form or you can call 311. Your request will be forwarded to the Street Repair Supervisor.
Who operates street sweeping?
Leaf Collection
1820 Paxton St.
Harrisburg, PA 17104
(717) 412-4320
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