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HARRISBURG – Harrisburg City Council will hold its upcoming Work Session as a live streamed videoconference. The meeting will be followed by a Legislative Session. 

WHAT: City Council Work Session + Legislative Session 

WHEN: Tuesday, May 25th at 5:30 p.m. 

WHERE: virtually via Zoom platform, live stream at youtube.com/whbg20  

Residents may submit comments during the public comment portions of the sessions.  Comments/questions are limited to one per resident and must include name and address to be considered. 

The public can attend the session by using the Zoom app:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84694509930, Passcode 20214321.  

To enter the meeting by phone (dial-in method), call 301-715-8592. When prompted, enter the Webinar ID (846 9450 9930 #) and Passcode (20214321 #) . During public comment, press *9 to “raise hand”, and when prompted, *6 to toggle unmute/mute.  

City Council session agendas, calendar, and other materials are available at harrisburgpa.gov/city-council. 


