FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Harrisburg 2024 Budget Passed by Council

CONTACT: Matt Maisel, Communications Director
(717) 255-7295
[email protected]

December 21, 2023

(HARRISBURG) – Harrisburg City Council passed the 2024 fiscal year budget on Thursday, approving Mayor Wanda R.D. Williams’ commitment to making the city cleaner and safer.

The fiscally responsible budget, which Mayor Williams is expected to sign before the city’s fiscal year ends December 31, comes out to a total of $150.7 million in expenses. Among the total includes $109.5 million in General Fund money, an increase in Neighborhood Services funding of sanitation, parks maintenance, and other Public Works functions to nearly $21.2 million, and funding $9.6 million in new expenditures towards Capital Projects to help make city roads safer for pedestrians and vehicles.

The budget accounts for nearly $152.5 million in revenues, giving the city a surplus of around $1.75 million into the new year.

Harrisburg’s 2024 budget does not raise any taxes.

“Thanks to the work we did to eliminate the city’s decades-long debt, our residents won’t be left to pay for the decisions made by prior administrations,” said Mayor Williams. “[The budget] continues to invest in the people who matter most: the residents of the City of Harrisburg.”

Mayor Williams’ and City Council’s investment in the Capital Projects Fund is where city residents will see the biggest growth in Harrisburg’s future. The City plans to spend nearly $4 million on improving streets and roads, including freshly paving State Street and adding in multimodal safety improvements. Work will also continue on the Capitol Gateway project along Forster Street, finishing work at MulDer Square, and beginning safety upgrades along Herr Street, Chestnut Street, and starting the Urban Meadows bicycle path/walkway between 3rd and 6th Streets.

Another $3.9 million will go towards upgrading city bridges. Meanwhile, Harrisburg Public Works will spend $500,000 on paving-related needs. The City completed 17 street paving projects between August and October, and hopes to complete many more by starting earlier and completing the work in-house.

The 2024 fiscal year budget also will allow the City of Harrisburg to spend money on projects promised in its American Rescue Plan funding, including beginning work on a new pool in South Harrisburg, and affordable housing projects for families trying to make ends meet.

Public Safety (Police, Fire and Codes) in Harrisburg also continues to be invested in at record levels under the Williams Administration. The Harrisburg Bureau of Police budgeted for 14 trainees to enter the police academy. In addition, they plan to hire a new lieutenant and a new corporal. Money is being provided to add staff to the bureau’s Community Service Aides unit, and a project manager is expected to be hired for the city’s Group Violence Intervention program.

In addition, there will be a $3.23 increase on residents’ monthly trash bill. The cost will be $35.57 per month. It is the first change to the city’s trash bill since 2006, and was deemed necessary due to the cost of inflation.

Harrisburg 2024 Budget Passed