GOALS for 2024:
- Work more closely with Procurement Services/ Compliance Manager and the Solicitor’s Office.
- Advocate for additional Munis System tabs to be fully activated in order to track MWDBEs spend with fidelity.
- Create/ streamline a process to track from the time a business comes in for a mercantile license to being engage for work via PO, Emergency Requests etc.
- Build a robust directory which levels the playing field regarding the utilization of CoStars and other state approved options, which do not consider MWDBEs status when legally avoiding the traditional bidding process.
- Review weekly Reports embedding MWDBE Spend from each department
- Fortify a relationship with Center for American Progress’ Gun Violence Prevention Division Gun Violence Prevention – Center for American Progress and Cities United Cities United | Safe, Healthy, and Hopeful Communities now that we seem to have all of our GVI Grant Professionals onboard.
- Work more closely Harrisburg Housing Authority as part of their Utilization Policy Committee
Finally, if you are a new business or have not updated your information with Harrisburg City Government this year, please use the following link to do so https://laserfiche.harrisburgpa.gov/Forms/Vendor-Registration-Form and also contact our office directly.
Again, our office contact information is: 717-255-3016 and 717-255-3015 or email [email protected] and [email protected].