HARRISBURG – In an effort to protect the City’s residential neighborhoods from the impact of excessive traffic and noise, Harrisburg will be closing off much of the Capitol Area Neighborhood to thru traffic on Friday, May 15th starting at 8:00 A.M.
Barricades allowing local traffic only will be placed at the following intersections, as well as other locations as needed, for the duration of the scheduled protests:
- 2nd & North
- 2nd & Briggs
- Forster & Susquehanna
- Forster & Green
- Third & North
- Forster & Penn
The City of Harrisburg will also be temporarily closing the intersections at 2nd & Forster and Third & Forster, and encouraging protesters to follow the demarcated route of 2nd-to-Forster-to-Third and the Capitol Steps. (See attached map: blue X’s)
“We respect the right of the protesters to make their voices heard,” said Mayor Eric Papenfuse. “We ask them in turn to respect the rights of our residents to be safe in their homes and not have to put up with excessive disruptions to their daily routines.”