Parks & Recreation
SUmmer Enrichment Program
Summer Enrichment Program
Presented By

Summer fun is here to stay! We have lots of programming this summer so there is something for everyone from Art to Swimming!
The Summer Enrichment Program is Free to city residents ages 6-14 and runs from June 10th through August 9th, Monday – Friday from 10am-3pm.
Lunch is provided for all participants. This program also has several different activities to keep children active all summer long at 8 different parks such as art, yoga, pool trips, and more!
We are also running several evening programs this summer such as Learn to Swim, Tennis, Art in the Park, and more!
Participating Parks & Playgrounds
- Cloverly Heights Playground (1801 Pemberton Street)
- Gorgas Playground (693 Columbia Street)
- Morrison/Sunshine Park (12th and Herr Streets)
- Norwood Playground (2007 Ellsworth Alley)
- Reservoir Park (100 Concert Drive)
- Wilson Park (259 Rumson Drive)
- 4th & Emerald Playground (4th & Emerald Streets)
- 7th & Radnor Sports Park (7th and Radnor Streets)
Other Programs

100 Concert Drive
Reservoir Park 17103