In an effort to continue to keep the public updated on progress, the City of Harrisburg is providing a Broad Street Market Tent Update: Two plumbing bids received to do contracted work on the tent structure.
As you know, the deadline to acquire bids via PennBid was last night at 11pm. This morning, the city learned it received two proposals to do plumbing work on the Broad Street Market tent structure; one via PennBid and another through the city’s cooperative agreement with Gordian Construction Procurement Solutions, which received a quote through the Keystone Purchasing Network.
What happens next is those proposals will go under review by the city’s facilities team and procurement office. The review will be thorough, making sure the quote is fair and the company is qualified. If a contract is to be issued to one of them, it will happen after this process is completed. There is no guarantee a contract will be issued.
We also received additional interest from companies which did not put together a formal bid yet, but are interested in supplying a quote for consideration.
Previous Posts
December 4 – Tent contractor process to expand
December 12 – Bidding process now open
January 5 – Update on electric, plumbing bids
January 17 – Plumbing meeting at tent
January 24: $30,000 Donation to Broad Street Market